Present-day communes . including the kibbutz , are at times referred to as " Utopian" in the sense that they represent the endeavour to create an alterna- tive to the existing flawed " world order" and as such they have become the subject of extensive study . The overall concept has even created a number of world organizations through which they are researched and debated at inter- national seminars . A review of the many aspects of communes and their various connections to Utopia reveals the wide range of interests which the subject arouses : politi- cal , economic , social . cultural , educational — even artistic and literary . Little , however , has been mentioned of another possible focus of Utopia : as the po- tential replacement of the ubiquitous dystopia "Metropolis" as the flawed " world order " . Of all the many and varied physical accounts of Utopian scenarios . very few , if any , envisage an urban-megalopolitan reality as the ultimate solution ; the preferred venue is arcad...
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