Marina Ritzarev TRansculTuRal gaMes Multicultural experience , which I obtained during the first years of my aliyah from Russia , not always through academic activity , granted me one etymologicc cal and anthropological revelation that , to my mind , can help in understanding certain phenomena in musical culture . The entire circumstance of this revelacc tion deserves description . “ Do you know what this is ? ” – once asked me Judah Shadi , a nativecborn Israeli friend of mine , whose parents are of PersiancJewish origin . He showed me the samovar , which he bought in Teheran in the early 1980 s and kept as a memento – symbolizing the Persian part of his identity . Of course I did . For me , the samovar is one of the most authentic Russian realities . “ Do you know that it is a Russian word ? ” – I asked , wishing to enlighten him with regard to the large number of Russian words that have been introduced into Modern Hebrew .
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