הציות לגאט"ט הישן היה אכן מרשים , בשים לב לטבעו הוולונטרי . בשיחות עם פנליסטים מהתקופה ההיא הרושם שמתקבל , למרות הקושי בהוכחתו באופן אמפירי , R . Fisher et al . [ eds . ] Getting to Yes : Negotiating Agreement Without Giving /// 1 34 ( Boston 26 1983 ) : "Good faith negotiation does not require total disclosure . Perhaps the best answer to question such as 'What is the most you would pay if you had to' would be along the following lines : 'Let ' s not put ourselves under such a strong temptation to mislead . If you think no agreement is possible , and that we may be wasting our time , perhaps we could disclose our thinking to some trustworthy third party , who can then tell us whether there is a zone of potential agreement ' . In this way it is possible to behave with full candor about ; information that is not being aisclosed . " ראו גם : E . A . Solomon Diplomacy for the Next Century ( New Haven 1998 ) 78 27 השוו : T . L . Stein "Jurisprudence and Jurists' Prudence : The Iranian-Foru...
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