99 . A public building of the Late Roman or Byzantine Period built on top of the Forum pave- ment 113 100 . Roman oil lamp depicting the abduction of Europe 1 14 101 . Selected coins from Antipatris . From Hadrian ( 117-130 ) to Gordianus III ( 238-244 ) 117 102 . Selected Imperial coins from Antipatris . From Valerianus ( 253-259 ) to Valentinianus II ( 370-392 ) 119 1 03 . Decorated glazed bowl from the fort of Binar Bashi 1 20 104 . Barrack and Mosque of fort Binar Bashi 121 1 05 . General plan of fort Binar Bashi 1 22 106 . Decorated glazed bowl from fort Binar Bashi 125 1 07 . The gate of fort Binar Bashi 1 26 1 08 . A corner in the mosque of Binar Bashi preserved to the height of the roofing 1 27 64 . Heads of Philistine clay figurines 81 65 . The battle of Ebenezer ( after Y . Aharoni ) 82 66 . Izbet Sartah . Isometric view of Stratum II ( after I . Finklestein ) 83 67 . As above . The main four-room house 83 68 As above . The Abecedary Ostracon 84 69 . Comparative chart of the ...
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