Oaths and Vows in the Pentateuchal Targumim: Semantics and Exegesis

Introduction Oaths ( העובש עיבשה / עבשנ ) and vows ( רדנ רדנ ) play considerable both the narrative and legal portions of the Pentateuch , and infrequently elsewhere in the Hebrew Bible . There are oaths God and by man , true oaths and false ones , oaths taken imposed . In this essay , we shall examine the ways in which versions of the Bible , the targumim , represent this Hebrew field , primarily in the Pentateuch . We shall consider both there is a word for "oath" or " vow" in the Hebrew text which an idiomatic usage in the Hebrew gives rise to the in the Aramaic version . In addition , we shall observe a passages where it is only the midrashic / homiletical translator which produces the rendering " oath" in Aramaic particularly important , since the translator is free in responding to any mechanical translation technique which employ elsewhere . We are searching both for consistency and for inconsistency choice of words across the several targumim at the same within targumim across ...  אל הספר
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