parental involvement . ( 6 ) recognition of agencies and faith communities that have supported and increased adopted ; and ( 5 ) recognition of businesses and employers where parent-friendly policies have been parents can help their children achieve the standards and the relationship of the ( 1 ) an explanation of the grade-level academic content standards and advice on how parents and to teachers . The informational materials for distribution shall include : develop and publish jointly informational materials for distribution to all public school The Education Oversight Committee and the State Superintendent of Education shall SECTION 59-28-200 . Development of informational materials . in their children's education for visible display and use in every public school ( 2 ) printed information about the standards and advice relative to parental involvement standards to the state assessments ; and K-12 classroom . . prepared pursuant to Section 59-28-200 to all districts and schools . The Education Oversight Committee shall disseminate the informational materials SECTION 59-28-210 . Distribution of informational materials Department of Commerce , the Department of Revenue , and the South Carolina The Education Oversight Committee , in cooperation with representatives of the employee release time . SECTION 59-28-220 . Development of employer tax credit incentives for paid parent- their children with academics , and become more involved in their child's education ( 2 ) develop workplace policies which enable parents to improve their literacy , assist at their children's academic-related events without loss of pay ; and ( 1 ) provide parent-employee release time for parent-teacher conferences or attendance incentives to : Chamber of Commerce , shall develop recommendations for employer tax credits as as a result of employers working with local school officials . Committee no later than January 1 , 2001 . House Ways and Means Committee , and the House Education and Public Works Recommendations shall be reported to the Senate Finance and Education Committees ,