59-28-180 . ( 3 ) disseminate to all parents of the district the expectations enumerated in Section the district's annual report ; and ( 2 ) include information about parental involvement opportunities and participation in ( 1 ) include parental involvement expectations as part of each principal's evaluation ; ( B ) Each school district superintendent shall : parents are expected to : Parent involvement influences student learning and academic performance ; therefore , SECTION 59-28-180 . Parent expectations . critical as in elementary school ; ( 3 ) recognize that parental involvement in middle and high school is equally as ( 2 ) expect and communicate expectations for success ; ( 1 ) uphold high expectations for academic achievement ; ( 9 ) attend , when possible , school events ; ( 8 ) build partnerships with teachers to promote successful school experiences ; ( 7 ) communicate with the school and teachers ; ( 6 ) monitor and check homework ; ( 5 ) attend parent-teacher conferences ; ( 4 ) ensure attendance and punctuality ; ( 13 ) show support for school expectations and efforts to increase student learning . ( 12 ) stimulate thought and curiosity ; and ( 11 ) use encouraging words ; ( 10 ) model desirable behaviors ; local efforts are effective in increasing parental involvement . This information shall The Education Oversight Committee shall survey parents to determine if state and effectiveness of efforts to increase parent involvement . SECTION 59-28-190 . Education Oversight Committee survey to determine ( 1 ) advice for parents on how to help their children be successful in school and the Act to promote the importance of parental involvement . The campaign shall include : be used in the public awareness campaign required by the Education Accountability ; organizations , and faith communities that work with children and families to ( 2 ) requests to employers , state agencies , entities , community groups , nonprofit importance of nurturing their children's skills and abilities community which result from parent-friendly workplace policies ; ( 3 ) promotion of the benefits of increased productivity , loyalty , and sense of distribute and display parent advice and other pertinent parent information ; and to provide information on the importance of parents to a child's academic ( 4 ) ideas and encouragement to employers to adopt parent-friendly workplace policies success ;