that constitution . ( c ) to provide each of the headteachers of the represented schools with a copy of members of the council are and as to how to communicate with it , and ( b ) to provide them and the education authority with information as to who the 12 Scottish Schools ( Parental Involvement ) Act 2006 ( asp 8 ) known . ( 9 ) The Combined Parent Council is itself to determine the name by which it is to be ( 10 ) Intimation under subsection ( 8 )( a )( ii ) or ( iv ) is to include a note of the functions ( 12 ) ( of this section ) . of a Combined Parent Council as set out in section 8 ( 1 ) and applied by subsection ( of this section ) . Combined Parent Council as set out in section 8 ( 2 ) and applied by subsection ( 12 ) under subsection ( 8 )( a )( ii ) or ( iv ) is also to include a note of the functions of a ( 11 ) Where one or more of the represented schools is a primary school , intimation schools , as they apply in relation to a Parent Council and the school for which the modifications , in relation to a Combined Parent Council and the represented ( 12 ) Sections 2 ( 4 )( c ) , 7 ( 1 ) and ( 4 ) , 8 ( 1 ) to ( 15 ) , 9 to 11 and 14 apply , with the necessary . Parent Council is established meaning given by section 7 ( 3 )) . and one or more of the represented schools is a denominational school ( within the ( 13 ) Subsection ( 14 ) applies where a Combined Parent Council is being established the council . church or body , to nominate at least one person to be a co-opted member of ( b ) where there is more than one such church or denominational body , each conducted , or ( a ) the church or denominational body in whose interest a represented school is ( 14 ) The constitution of the Combined Parent Council must provide for — to exist . ( b ) on the Combined Parent Council established by virtue of that decision ceasing ( a ) on its withdrawing from the represented schools , or both ) — which include the Parent Forum of the school but apply again to the school ( either making of a decision under subsection ( 1 ) by the members of Parent Forums ( 15 ) Sections 5 ( 3 ) and 6 ( 1 ) to ( 9 ) cease to apply in relation to any school on the no longer ( a ) being discontinued or amalgamated with another school , or ( 16 ) A Combined Parent Council ceases to exist when , by virtue of a school — ״ represented schools ״ comprise more than one school . ( b ) withdrawing from the represented schools , the