imagination are often held in this net . Like the autom scribble , the figurative tangle drawing responds to inner whispers rather than to the visible reality , and its introspective gaze exposes anxieties , urges , and passions . In the selected group of works the human figure appears as a breached disrupted , duplicated , and divided image , invoking an air schizophrenia . The individual lost in dreams and thoughts appears the work of Raffi Lavie , Jossef Krispel , and Drora Dekel a trapped portrait , disintegrating under a meshed screen threads and signs . In works by Uri Radovan , Gary Goldstein and Hila Lulu Lin , the penetration into the deep recesses the human icon is given concrete expression in the acts gluing or peeling that reveal subcutaneous occurrences internal systems . In the spirit of Goya ' s famous etching , The Sleep Reason Produces Monsters ( 1799 ) , which inspired Surrealists , contemporary artists too produce disconcerting creatures , figments of their imagination . In creative trance as in sleep , the control mechanism becomes loose , and uninhibited flood of images is projected onto the paper Works by Gilad Efrat , Michael Rorberger , Zvi Tolkovsky , David Arbitman are examples of this torrent of scribbled faces , signs , and hybrid creatures that cover the page a horror vacui obsession . Flashes of interlocked figure appear in the work of Maya Bloch , Esther Knobel , Hagar Cygler , and Boaz Aharonovitch who draw on photographic images and family albums to reveal relationships psychodynamic complexes . Shifting from the psychological to the conceptual and metaphoric context , thicket imagery emerges in the works of Sharon Poliakine , Maya Cohen Shaul Tzemach , and Shira Glezerman , who reflect upon time , and infinite space . According to its primary dictionary definition , the thicket rooted in the flora domain - between knitted branches , roots or thistles . Since its first appearance in Hebrew , however the biblical story of the Binding of Isaac , the thicket ram , and offered him up for a burnt offering in the stead his son" ( Genesis 22 : 13 ) . This miraculous vision thus ascribes the thicket with a symbolic and allegoric role in a scene extreme internal conflict , of the ultimate psychological freehand gestures charged with libidinal energy - influenced the action painting of the New York Abstract Expressionists With Jackson Pollock and Willem de Kooning's action painting , the traced tangle was introduced as a mode observation , or rather as a dyslexic "interference " with routine of seeing : an unfocused gaze devoid of hierarchical order and without compositional organization ; a gaze that holds onto the all-over , overflowing pattern , such as spreading of the rhizome . In Israeli drawing , these concepts were influenced international modernist trends which gained a foothold locally , considerably late , with the hegemonic establishment of the "New Horizons" group during the 1950 s . The values of abstract drawing - the gesture of the hand and traces of processes accumulating into layers , scratches , erasures - were modeled in the works of the next generation of artists , primarily Aviva Uri , Moshe Kupferman , Moshe Gershuni , and Raffi Lavie . Via dialogue with these masters and with the international contemporary art scene , personal handwriting of artists is being developed today . The act of scribbling , which spawns coiled webs weaves , is typical of Etti Abergel , Masha Zusman , and Gertner , often embodying the essence of female Eros allusions to womb and fetus-like shapes , or simulation meticulous needlepoint . For Yehudit Sasportas , Shibetz Cohen , Maya Attoun , and Yael Balaban , the modernist " automatic drawing" serves as a medium for critical discourse : they set out to expropriate it from its accepted expressive context , to undermine its seismographic quality and purposefull y recruit it as a mechanical gesture or even an ironic cliche . Layered drawing is characteristic of the of liana Salama Ortar , David Isaacs , and Assaf Rahat , cover the paperor attack it with engraving , tearing , crump and writing . As opposed to artists who reveal an impulsive emotional storm , Tessy Cohen Pfeffer , liana Hamawy , Daniela Yaniv Richter strive to create worlds of calm eternal silence , as in the celestial or submarine realms . The interwoven webs cast on the paper by the artist deviate from the discourse of non-representational abstract art to the figurative realm : splinters of images , figures , symbols deriving from the deep strata of the psyche and