essay , I have spoken only of a limited area , namely the possible methods and techniques of a learning system . Any such effort must be combined with value education and personality development . Parents and other partners will have to play their part in this joint effort . The learning system , operating in conjunction with efforts to develop values and personality , is likely to lead to significant changes in society . It is likely that there would emerge new values and new priorities within the family and within the nation . Who can measure the impact on children who observe parents reading and learning after they have returned home from work ? Who can foresee the impact of the preference which lifelong learners might give to effort and excellence over consumerism ? Who knows , but a society might emerge in which the givers might outnumber the takers . What action should be taken to move towards a learning system ? In broad outline , I think that two steps might be considered . The first , a debate on the problems involved , leading up to the appointment of an enquiry commission , and the second , the setting up of the research centre . Together they would create their own dynamics to carry forward the ideas . Doubters might say that I have dreamt a dream and why should they leave solid ground for something so uncertain . However , the thoughts expressed in this paper are not a call for stepping into the unknown . The basic thoughts have been tested in pilot projects by the Ministry of Education , foundations and other agencies . These small beginnings could , by the grace of God , be the dawn of greater achievements in the future .
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