Information Information should be collected and published on the performance of the learners at school and at university , on the use of the new technologies and the experience gained with them . THE COST If education is to evolve towards a learning system , what will be its cost ? Although it is impossible to attempt cost estimates for a system that has , as yet , only been tried in pilot projects , I would like to point to some indicators . Evaluation There should be a continuous evaluation of the learning system , its methods and achievements . It should include both the schools and the universities . A constant monitoring would lead to the introduction of improvements whenever this was necessary . tools in their homes and at school , is there not a likelihood that the former might make more efficient use of these tools than the latter ? Would the gap between the two become even wider ? Would there develop a case of the rich becoming richer and the poor poorer ? What ought to be done to avoid such a development ? An analysis of outstanding social questions should be undertaken at the research centre . Steering committee The research centre might be given a further assignment . It might be commissioned by the Ministry of Education to act as the brain trust and as the steering authority for introducing and developing the learning system , under the overall direction of the ministry . The research centre might become a kind of headquarters , staffed by a small number of scientists , educationists , technologists and executives . The centre would direct the changeover to the learning system : it would establish programmes for action , prepare budget estimates , advise on priorities and carry out such other functions as might be entrusted to it by the ministry .
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