Let me add here that the science laboratories are generally op erated during school hours only . They are under-utilized during the rest of the day . The difficulties relating to physics are not unique to Israel . A similar situation exists in the United States ( see "The Crisis in High School Physics" in Physics Today , September 1983 ) . The Israeli authorities will , no doubt , wish to examine how the situation could be remedied whether by way of upgrading the , present science teachers , encouraging more students to seek their careers in science or gh rm would be to change the order of things . Instead of bringing the lab oratories to the pupils , let us bring the pupils to the equipment . This would mean the setting up of a number of science and tech nology centres that might take the place of most of the existing school laboratories . One might begin with physics laboratories and subsequently expand to chemistry , biology and technology . Such centres might be formed , wherever possible , through developing existing well-equipped laboratories and , where necessary , thn creating new facilities . If 100 to 150 such centres were set up , they would be within easy reach of almost all pupils . It might well be that a few mobile laboratories and " computer-mobiles" might be needed to serve outlying areas . The function of such centres would , as I imagine it , be twofold . First , they would be learning centres in the sciences . The basic method would again be guided self-study under the direction of the educators . The centres would have their specialized science librar ies and all the facilities and technological aids for individualized learning . Second they would serve as central laboratories for the school , children . The pupils would carry out their own experiment sort of exercise in discovery and research . The educators would demonstrate experiments where the equipment was expensive or sophisticated or where the experiments might be dangerous . There would be many benefits to such a reorganization . The equipment would be acquired under expert guidance and would be maintained professionally . It might prove possible to acquire so
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