stimulate creative self-expression and inspire the pupils to intellectual and moral development . Through the well-planned use of technology , the educators would no longer be overwhelmed , as are the teachers in the school system , with educational and administrative chores . In a learning system , a great deal of the material would be produced centrally by teams including highly talented scholars , experienced educators , psychologists , sociologists and technologists . The learning material which they produce could be readily updated whilst , in the school system , it might take five to ten years before new knowledge found its way into new editions of textbooks . The following high qualifications will be required of the educators if they are to be equal to the tasks imposed upon them in a learning system : Pupils would require preparatory help as they move into a learning system ; one of the primary tasks of the educators would therefore be to inculcate a willingness to learn where it does not exist naturally , and to re-enforce it where it does so exist . A thorough training in subject matter will be essential so the educator can give effective remedial support to the slow learners and give individual tutorials to both slow and gifted students . Good communications skills will be necessary because educators will still have to present information , especially in humanistic subjects . An ability to initiate group discussions , debates and dialogues will have to be a component of the educator's skills . In the natural sciences , a dedication to combining the realistic with the humanistic will be important . There will be more time to foster intellectual and moral development because administrative tasks and the presentation of routine infonnation will take up less and less time . Educators should be willing to take advantage of this new freedom . Educators should have a desire to acquire some expertise in the use of modem technology .
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