Functions In the school system , the teachers are the presenters of information . They are provided with syllabuses , textbooks and various educational aids but , in substance , the quality of teaching depends on the knowledge , the talents and the ability to communicate of every individual teacher . Speaking with some exaggeration , we have as many standards of education as we have teachers . In a learning system , there would be a drastic change of function . The educators' role as presenters of routine information would be greatly reduced . In the main , they would become managers of enquiry and thinking on the part of the pupils , they would THE EDUCATORS Educating the next generation is a noble occupation , yet the profession no longer attracts the most talented . They prefer trade and industry which offer superior salaries . Governments are generally too poor to compete on equal terms with their citizens . The school system now has about 70 , 000 teachers . The country cannot produce such a large number of highly qualified teachers . Even if it could , it would not have the resources to pay adequate salaries . Leaving aside the problem of higher financial rewards , how could one confer a higher status on the educators ? Once they have opted for the profession , would not the gifted among them hope for advancement ? What could be done to open to the educators the way to upward mobility ? Questions of this type are being asked in most Western countries . It is recognized everywhere that unless satisfactory answers are found in the near future , we shall all be helpless witnesses to national decline . I have not the answer to the questions that have been put above . I can only offer some thoughts which might make a contribution to the debate . subject for all pupils or , as at present , in the vocational schools only . Should it be a subject for the matriculation examination ? Should all who wish to enter university not have some familiarity with the computer ?
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