Graphics are used in several of the TO AM courses . Future de velopments will include digital sound , by which the computer will be able to respond aloud to the pupil ' s performance , and video discs connected to the TO AM computer . In addition , a computer-managed instruction ( C . M . I . ) system has been developed with the aid of the TO AM computers . This system is being used , with success , for the training of Army reserves . The computer first evaluates the reservist ' s knowledge , then directs him to the reading material and to the electronic tools and simulators he should use . At times , the computer itself provides the information . Essentially , the computer takes over the function of the educator and enables the reservists to learn entirely on their own , subject only to overall supervision by a qualified superior . Tests and evaluations of achievements with TOAM computers are carried out at regular intervals by inspectors , principals and C . E . T . itself . They have shown that the rate of progress of pupils learning with TOAM computers is substantially faster than it was before TOAM computers were introduced . In some cases , the av erage rate was twice that of the pupils who had learned without TOAM . By the end of the 1984 / 85 school year , about 150 TOAM systems will be in operation , serving about 100 , 000 pupils . Computer pro grammes could be developed over the next fifteen to twenty years to cover many additional subjects over and above those that have been developed so far , and for more of the school grades . In these programmes , the computer could be used for " practice and evalu ation / ' tutorial dialogue or problem solving . In most of them it , would be used together with other media : the written text audio , cassettes , video-discs or others . The computer might be less effec tive in humanistic subjects . With the computer , the children can progress at their own pace . It is therefore being used also as a part of the technological equip ment in individualized learning . The steady advance of technology in education will make it nee essary for the Ministry of Education to address itself to such questions as : How should the educators be trained in the new technologies ? Should the range of computer studies become a compulsory
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