The educators have to continue wrestling with these age-old questions , and the use of technology must be related to the answers , however provisional those answers might be . The educators have to be trained , or retrained , in the effective use of technology . They are , generally speaking , illiterate in computers and other electronic media and are , at first , likely to resent this intrusion into their domain . They must be won over and must be made as familiar with the new technologies as they are with blackboard and chalk ; otherwise they will be overtaken by their pupils in their competency with electronic media . Each medium must be used optimally , whether singly or in conjunction with other media . A great deal of study and experimentation will be needed to determine this and how the media can stimulate original thinking and active participation on the part of the learner . A careful selection will have to be made in the use of the media . They are not a panacea for education and must be used sparingly and selectively , where simpler media cannot achieve the desired results . The printed text is likely to remain forever a powerful medium . The electronic media can provide important aids to reinforce the written word . Where visualization is needed , television or video-discs may be called in ; when a problem has to be solved or where drill and practice are called for , the computer may be used . The computer , though inanimate , has some laudable "human" qualities . It is fair and impartial , it shows no favouritism to students and harbours no animosity towards them , it has no prejudices in matter of race , colour or sex ; it also possesses unlimited patience , more than any human educator could ever be expected to possess . The potential uses of the computer in education , on its own or in conjunction with other media , include : drill and practice ; practice and evaluation ; tutorial dialogue ; management of instruction ; simulation and model building ( such as simulating scientific experiments ); problem solving ; computer programming ; teaching information skills ( office automation ); and research . The computer
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