Individualization is not isolation , The words "individualized learning" might mislead some into thinking that the pupils and students work entirely on their own , totally isolated from their peers . Indeed , if individualization were taken to such extremes it , might have what has been called an impersonalizing effect on the children . The socializing function of the education system might then be lost , a function which is especially important for the per sonality development of the young . In actual practice , individualization of learning has not meant isolation . Most of the time the youngsters form their own small workgroups ( or the educator encourages them to do so ) , and they learn together . In any event , all the children are together in the same classroom . Part of the time they are engaged in diverse leaming activities and part of the time they are engaged in joint activi ties such as games , group discussions and listening to the presen tation by the educator . To the extent , if any , to which individualized learning might weaken the socialization function of the school , ways and means would have to be devised by the educators and the sociologists to make good this weakness . However , as far as one can judge , after ten years of experience , individualized learning does not , in actual fact , bear out the fears about the loss of the socialization function of the schools or the severing of the links with one ' s peer groups . This assertion should , however , be qualified as regards the fast learners . Fast learners may make up 10 to 15 per cent of an age group . From thirteen onward , they should be given the privilege of break ing away from their age-peers and advance to the next higher grade or grades . Problems of socialization with their own age groups might well arise for these pupils . A great deal of attention is being paid , justifiably so , to imder achievers . As far as I know , not enough thought is being devoted to the problems — educational and social —of the high achievers at school and at university . In an egalitarian society anything that savours of elitism is suspect . Nonetheless , the educators and the so cial scientists will , sooner or later , have to devise answers to prob lems concerning the high achievers , including :
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