The Learning System Let me now turn to what I call the Learning System . My reflections are the outcome of an attempt to reconcile two educational postulates : that a high quality education should be available for the masses ; and that the particular aptitudes of each individual should be fostered . Conventional schools do not seem to be equipped to respond to the two objectives simultaneously . In the search for an alternative , several innovations have been pioneered by the Ministry of Education , by foundations and other agencies , including instructional television , computer-assisted learning , individualized learning , media literacy , an open university , rehabilitation of unattached youths , music appreciation and others . All these efforts have , on the whole , proven successful and yet , except for instructional television , they have not been given a sufficiently wide acceptance . In order to become universally accepted , they would have to overcome educational conservatism . Nothing is more difficult to achieve than to change the existing order of things . Any such attempt meets with resistance from entrenched interests , the indifference of the community and social , political and economic obstacles . And yet , the need for change becomes ever more apparent . There appears to be a slow but steady evolution in Israel , as elsewhere , towards a system of education that gives pride of place to learning over teaching and allows for individual advance and creativity , without disregarding the need for the cohesion of peer IS
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