Research There are no precise figures available for the cost of research at the universities . It is estimated that research undertaken by the university faculties takes up , on an average , about one-half of the total university budgets . The universities are here faced with an almost insoluble problem . On the one hand , serious research is vital for the university and the nation and almost every university teacher expects to be given the opportunity to carry out research . On the other hand , not everyone who holds a university appointment possesses the capability , ingenuity and inventiveness which are needed for research . Not many minds are capable of meaningful University budgets The budgets of the seven conventional universities ( excluding Everyman's University ) totalled 18 . 063 billion Israeli Shekels ( at 41 . 8 , about $ 432 million ) in the 1982 / 83 year . Grants provided by the Planning and Grants Committee were for a total of IS 11 . 913 billion ( about $ 285 million ) . Fifty-five per cent of total budgetary expenditure went to the academic staff ; 25 per cent to the administrative and technical staff . The budgets are likely to increase at the rate of 5 to 8 per cent per annum . On the other hafid , the pressures on the universities to reduce expenditure , and the difficulties of the Planning and Grants Committee to maintain the level of its grants in real terms , will compel the universities to review their methods of operation and to enquire whether economies are not possible without affecting the quality of their work . about 7 , 800 . The Council for Higher Education has estimated that between 1984 and 1988 , the universities will have to engage about 200 new faculty members annually . The advancement of university teachers depends mainly on their research and publications and only to a limited extent on their skill as teachers . This is left to the natural talent , or the lack of it , of the individual faculty members . It would not be ungenerous to say that , as a result , some of their learning might be lost to the students .
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