THE UNIVERSITIES The universities are among the guarantors of the advancement of a free and progressive society . Anyone who weakens the universities signs a warrant for the decline of the nation . This is not to say th : lt there is no need to reexamine certain aspects of the operations THE COST The approximate cost of operating the schools , excluding the universities , was , according to the budget 1983 / 84 , 36 . 437 billion shekels . When one deals with such a large input in terms of money , one must ask whether it is matched by output in terms of human quality . The school system is a monopoly operation ; there are no shareholders who , at an annual general meeting , might ask awkward questions ; but , if the question were put , I doubt whether any would give a positive reply . A proliferation of computers in the schools during the last few years . Many have acquired personal computers for no better reason than to get on the bandwagon of change . Many computers are thus acquired , without their having adequate software to go with the hardware .
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