teaching experience ; 30 per cent methodological-educational studies ; 10 per cent areas such as first aid , travel and others . In the United States , the division usually is about 60 per cent subject-matter and about 40 per cent for the other studies . The 40 to 45 per cent devoted to subject-matter in the Israeli colleges would seem a low percentage even if the teachers had to concentrate on one or two subjects only . In fact , they have to learn a number of subjects , such as Hebrew language , arithmetic , English , geography , science , Bible , the Land of Israel and others . Such a multitude of subjects , taught during a limited period of time , could hardly lead to eminence of the teaching profession . The teaching hours vary from thirty hours per week for elementary school teachers to twenty-four hours per week for secondary school teachers . We tend to ascribe to the teachers a major share of the responsibility for the alleged deterioration of the school system . In fairness , one must admire the dedication of the many who still choose the teaching career , in spite of the disincentives that accompany the profession . On the other hand , many gifted students turn away from the teaching profession and seek their place in science , industry , law , medicine , the military , engineering and other professions that provide a wider scope for their talents , a higher status and an acceptable income . Many of the brightest among the teachers will serve their time only until something more fulfilling and more rewarding comes up .
מקס רואו