חלק אנגלי 9* Priests the Exterminationof the Versionof Josephus' Feldman .H Louis 9-23) ,22 ?1-11 ,21 .Sam (1 Nob of 23* Patriarchs the and Sectarianism of End The Goodblatt David 37* Pseudo-Philo in Elements Subversive Gruen .S Erich 53* of Strategy Survival :Babylonia in Exiles Judean The Oded Bustenay Minority Ethnic an 77* Herod's Examinationof An Tower? Straton's Why Pastor Jack Caesarea for Location of choice * 91 Qahal the within Singers Temple and Levites The Piattelli Daniela Exile Babylonian the from Return the on Israel of 105* Ostraca Idumean in Names Theophorous Porten Bezalel 131* 5/ to Preface the and Sentence First Josephus' Price .J Jonathan 145* and Alciphron ,Aristeas :Ptolemy from Invitation An Rajak Tessa Memory Collective 165* de Monetaire Atelier 1' de Decadence et Grandeur Rider Le Georges d'Alexandre Epoque 1' a Tarse 181* Jews its "Isopoliteia"of the and Caesarea ,Sebastos Z"L Raban Avner 189* (4Q279) sort au 4QTirage de interpretation Essaid' Schmidt Francis 205* to Program from ,Program to Punishment From Schwartz .R Daniel Exile on Rabbis the and Josephus :Punishment