רשימת קיצורים Pritchard ed . ) ANET Ancient Near Eastern Texts Related to The Old Testament ( J . B . AJA American Journal of Archaeology ADAJ Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan AA Archaologischer Anzeiger EAEHL Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land ( ed . M . CT Cuneiform Texts ( British Museum ) BRL 2 Biblisches Reallexikon ( 2 nd ed ) . BIAUL Bulletin of the Institute of Archaeology of the University of London BASOR Bulletin of ASOR BAR Biblical Archaeologist Review BA The Biblical Archaeologist ASOR American School of Oriental Research ARM Archives Royales de Mari Avi-Yonah ; 1 st ed . ) Mut . I , Mut . II Mutesellim I , II Meg . Cul . Megiddo Cult Remains Meg . Wat . Megiddo Water System Meg . Ivo . Meggido Ivories Meg . Tom . Megiddo Tombs Meg /„ II Megiddo I , Megiddo II JNES Journal of Near Eastern Studies IEJ Israel Exploration Journal JEA Journal of Egyptian Archaeology El Eretz-lsrael ( Israel Exploration Society - Jerusalem ) ולביבליוגרפיה מלאה על מגידו ראה עמ' 9 ו , הערה . 9 ZDPV Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palastina-Vereins TA Tel Aviv - Journal of Archaeology SAOC Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization RB Revue Biblique PBF Prahistorische Bronzefunde ( Munchen ) OIP Oriental Institute Publications ( Chicago ) OIC Oriental Institute Communications ( Chicago )