

Introduction 9 the stations discussed here Sometimes the connection between the stations is a relationship of cause and effect Each chapter begins with the principal notions of the Sufis regarding the specific station studied It is followed by a summary of Ibn al - ʿArabī’s notions of this station . At the end of each chapter, Ibn al - ʿArabī’s discussion of the station appears in the form of an annotated translation of the relevant chapters in the Futūḥāt Ibn al - ʿArabī’s originality is shown in all the stations he discusses, and his mystical philosophy permeates his understanding of each station According to one of his principal ideas, God is the creator and also the agent of the human being’s acts This notion affects his understanding the abandoning of a station as a station like any other 11 It is worth noting that there is no chapter of abandoning taqwā Probably, 11 Ibn al - ʿArabī regards this station so effective for the purpose of worshiping God so that one cannot relinquish it

אדרא - בית להוצאת ספרים אקדמיים

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