] יד ] רשימת הקיצורים והסימנים Divrei Shalom = S . M . Paul, Divrei Shalom : Collected Studies of Shalom M . Paul on the Bible and the Ancient Near East, 1965 5002‒ ( Culture and History of the Ancient Near East 23 ) , Leiden 2005 DJD = Discoveries in the Judaean Desert 1 – 40, Oxford 1955 – 2009 DSD = Dead Sea Discoveries DUL = G . del Olmo Lete and J . Sanmartín, Dictionary of the Ugaritic Language 1 ,2‒ Leiden 2004 Gesenius = E . Kautzsch and A . E . Cowley ( eds . ) , Gesenius’ Hebrew Grammar, Oxford and reprints ) ( 1910 Ginsberg, Studies in Daniel = H . L . Ginsberg, Studies in Daniel , New York 1948 Greenfield, ‘Al Kanfei Yonah = J . C . Greenfield, ‘Al Kanfei Yonah : Collected Studies of Jonas C . Greenfield on Semitic Philology 1 – 2, Jerusalem 2001 HAR = Hebrew Annual Review Hartman and Di Lella, Book of Daniel = L . F . Hartman and A . A . Di Lella, The Book of Daniel : ANew Translation with Notes and Commentary ( AB23 ) , Garden City, NY reprinted 2005 ) ( 1978 HTR = Harvard Theological Review HUCA = Hebrew Union College Annual ICC = International Critical Commentary IDB = G . A . Buttrick ( ed . ) , The Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible 1 – 4, Nashville, TN 1962 IEJ = Israel Exploration Journal Isbell, Corpus = C . D . Isbell, Corpus of the Aramaic Incantation Bowls, Missoula, MT 1975 JAJ = Journal of Ancient Judaism JANES = Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Society ( of Columbia University ) JAOS = Journal of the American Oriental Society JBL = Journal of Biblical Literature JJS = Journal of Jewish Studies JNES = Journal of Near Eastern Studies JNWSL = Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages JSJ = Journal for the Study of Judaism JSJS = Journal for the Study of Judaism Supplements JSOT = Journal for the Study of the Old Testament JSOTS = JSOTSupplements JSS = Journal of Semitic Studies JTS = Journal of Theological Studies KAI = H . Donner and W . Röllig, Kanaanäische und aramäische Inschriften 1 ,3‒ Wiesbaden 1964 8691‒ ; I5 , Wiesbaden 2002 KAT = Kommentar zum Alten Testament LCL = Loeb Classical Library NEA = Near Eastern Archaeology ( continuing BA ) OBO = Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis