

Introduction 11 In the concluding chapter we shall try to demonstrate that Ibn al - ‘Arabī’s system of analyzing issues creates a unique philosophy which elucidates entities, ideas and phenomena and presents his world view . Izutsu pays attention to Ibn al - ‘Arabī’s way of treating every subject according to its various perspectives, and he calls this way Ibn al - Arabī’s philosophy without elaborating on this phenomenon . 14 I did not find in the scholarly literature any studies that refer to this system in the Greatest Master’s writings except for remarks on this subject by Chittick and Coates . 15 For this reason it behooves me to consider Ibn al - ‘Arabī’s thought combining his basic issues and explaining them in the light of perspectives, relations and relativity . One may well ask why Ibn al - ‘Arabī chose such an approach ? I assume that what motivates him to elaborate on this perception is the teaching of Qur’ān 57 : 3 on God which reads : “He is the First and the Last the Manifest and the Hidden…” Thus, God is known through different perspectives . Now, the cosmos is the reflection of His names that in turn convey various aspects . Hence, all the phenomena in the cosmos controlled by His names are also able to be known through their assorted aspects . Izutsu, pp . 182 f . 14 Chittick, SPK, pp . 28 f . See perspectives and relativism in Coates’ index . 15

אדרא - בית להוצאת ספרים אקדמיים

לצפייה מיטבית ורציפה בכותר