הערות לגיליון 79


The members of the Syrian government ) the President of the Republic and his entourage ( are not sure that it is English officials who work in favor of the plan for Greater Syria . In their opinion , there are only British civil servants and politicians who , resorting to their own interest or under Jewish influence , seek to make it end in the enthronement of a Hashemite King ; but one asks oneself how far they will dare to go . The accession of Mr Chamoun , a sincere and trusty friend , to the Presidency of the Republic , will not , on the one hand , be prejudicial to the situation , but it will not improve it either . Sheikh Bishara is not “ the strong ruler and governor . “ His weakness allows a number of people to plot according to their interests and ambitions , or in the direction desired by their leaders , French as much as Russian ; a republic presided over by Camille Chamoun will soon put a stop to all that . But if Mr Chamoun ' s accession to power is good from this point of view , it will be detrimental to the Syria plan . Those responsible ) the President and his collaborators ( have agreed the following points : 1 ( to appear to support Mr Chamoun 2 ( to do what they can with Mr Karameh so that he also supports him on the same terms . 3 ( to awaken his enthusiasm to work as much as he can against the French . 4 ( to delay discussion of financial and economic plans he brings , on the pretext of needing to study them closely . It seems that Mr Chamoun and his friends in Lebanon will not delay in acting . We believe here that their first acts will be directed not against Mr Karameh ) unity of rank being necessary ( , but against the French , which will allow Chamoun to re - establish a populist position ; this is how they act here : every time politicians feel their positions becoming precarious , they direct their thoughts against France . I now believe that Mr Chamoun has completely failed with our President and that all the expressions of sympathy , kindness and support shown to him do not prove anything . S / Unreadable * מוחסין אל - בראזי שירת לאחר מיכן כשר חוץ וכיהן כראש ממשלה לאחר הפיכת חוסני זעים במרץ . 1949 הוא הוצא להורג באוגוסט , לאחר הפיכת הנגד של סאמי אל -חינאוי 3 . The Anglo - Syrian secret agreement , May 29 , 1945 Secret Exchange of letters no . 1 I , the undersigned , Shukri al - Quwatli , President of the Republic of Syria , pledge on my honor , in my name , and in the name of the Syrian nation that has honored me by making me its President , to make the utmost effort to realize the unity of Syria in its natural borders , that is , from the Taurus to the desert , to Egypt and to the Mediterranean Sea . I promise to do my utmost to realize the unity of Bar al - Sham ] Greater Syria [ and to be a soldier in the struggle for Syria ' s absolute unity , a natural step towards complete Arab Unity . This is our agreement , and God is our witness . Damascus , May 29 , 1945 S / Shukri al - Quwatli Approved by the President of the Republic S / Jamil Mardam

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