קיצורים וראשי תיבות כ " א כתבג אמנה ) adv . op . ) advisory opinion AJIL American Journal of International Law Annuaire Annuaire de l ’ Institut de Droit international BFSP British and Foreign State Papers BYIL British Year Book of International Law CTS Consolidated Treaty Series ) Developments Sh . Rosenne , Developments in the Law of Treaties 1945 - 1986 ) 1989 ECOSOC Economic and Social Council ECJ European Court of Justice EJIL European Journal of International Law ) . EPIL Encyclopedia of Public International Law ) R . Bernhardt , ed ETS European Treaty Series GAOR United Nations General Assembly , Official Records ICC International Criminal Court ICJ International Court of Justice ICJ Rep . International Court of Justice , Reports of Judgments , Advisory Opinions and Orders ICLQ International and Comparative Law Quarterly ICRC International Committee of the Red Cross ICTR International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda ICTY International Criminal Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia ILC International Law Commission ILM International Legal Materials ILR International Law Reports IsLR Israel Law Review IsYBHR Israel Yearbook on Human Rights ITLOS International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea Law and Practice Sh . Rosenne , Law and Practice of the International Court ) –1920 2005 ) 2006