רשימת הקיצורים BSOAS : Bulletinof the Schoolof Oriental and African Studies GMS : Gibbs Memorial Series IC : Islamic Culture IJMES : International Journalof Middle East Studies IQ : Islamic Quarterly Islam : Der Islam JAOS : Journalof the American Oriental Society JESHO : Journalof the Economic and Social Historyof the Orient JNES : Journalof Near Eastern Studies JRAS : Journalof the Royal Asiatic Society JSS : Journal of Semitic Studies REI : Revue des etudes islamiques RSO : Rivista degli studi orientali SI : Studia Islamica ספרות כללית Ashtor , Ev Social and Economic Historyof the Near East , London 1976 . Barthold , V , Turkestan Down to the Mongol Invasions , GMS New Series v , London 1968 . . Bosworth , C . E ., The Islamic Dynasties , Edinburgh 1967 Browne , E . G ., A Literary Historyof Persia , I , II , Cambridge 1928 . Bulliet , R ., The Camel and the Wheel , Cambridge , Mass . 1975 . Bulliet , Rv Conversion to Islam in the Medieval Period , Cambridge , Mass . 1979 . Cahen , ...
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