Two Types of Holiness in Berdichevsky’s Early Articles Ehud Luz Berdichevsky was the most ambivalent among the Hebrew writers at the age of the renaissance toward the Jewish tradition . Having a deep religious personality , his entire life he had a long struggle with Judaism , searching unsuccessfully , for a new type of holiness which would suit best the modern mindset . On the one hand he completely rejected the enslaving rule of ‘ The Books ’ over the Jewish life because he wanted to liberate the creative forces of the individual ; but on the other hand he was deeply aware of the fact that there was no chance of creating a new type of Jewish holiness without being rooted in the Jewish community and its tradition . This was the source of his inner rift and despair . The article presents Berdichevsky’s ambivalence through analysis of a short lyrical note written towards the end of the 19 th century . The Jewish Revolution and Tchernihovsky’ the s Old Reading of Testament the : Bible B...  אל הספר
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