רשימת קיצורים וראשי תיבות

שלו"ה שנתון למקרא ולחקר המזרח הקדום . . AB The Anchor Bible ABD The Anchor Bible Dictionary , New York 1992 . ANET J . B . Prichard ( ed . ) , Ancient Near Eastern Texts , Relating to the old testament , Princeton 1950 . BA Biblical Archaeologist , Michigan . BDB Broun-Driver-Briggs , A Hebrew and English Lexiconof the Old Testament , Oxford 1906 . . BH R . Kittel ( ed . ) , Biblia Hebraica , Stuttgart 1937 ( 1954 ) FOIL The Formsof the Old Testament Literature , Michigan . HAR Hebrew Annual Review . HCOT Historical Commentary on the Old Testament . HTR Harvard Theological Review . HUCA Hebrew Union College Annual , Cincinnati . ICC International Critical Commentary . IDB G . A . Buttaric ( ed . ) , Interpreter ' s Dictionaryof the Bible , New York 1962 . JANES Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Society of Columbia University , New York . . JBL Journalof Biblical Literature , Atlanta JPS The Jewish Publication Society , Philadelphia . JQR Jewish Quarterly Review , Philadelphia . JSOTS...  אל הספר