On the Statesman Receiving the David Ben-Gurion Prize , 18 . 1 . 1998 Meir Shamgar paper , former Chief Justice of the Israel Supreme Court , Mr . Meir , discusses the characteristics and qualities of the statesman . He both Plato ' s and Machiaveli's theories . He continues by dealing with issues which distinguish the statesman from the pure theoretician on the one and from the politician , on the other hand . Amongst other distinctions , he the differences amongst the three , each of whom must relate to existing within their given societies as well as to be attentive to the people ' s inclinations within that society . While the pure theoretician wishes to change and mores and may be inclined to attack them , and the politician is to enslave himself to them , the statesman will be motivated to take of them for the benefit of his society . Statesmanship is both a science and an art . In order to fulfill his mission the must excel in several capabilities , amongst them : ability to loo...  אל הספר
מכון בן-גוריון לחקר ישראל והציונות, אוניברסיטת בן-גוריון בנגב