( א ) הוצאות . 1 מקור בלבד C . Plinius Caecilius Secundus , Epistulae , Panegyricus , ed . by M . Schuster , 3 . Auflage , Leipzig 1958 . C . Plini Caecili Secundi , Epistulae , ed . by R . A . B . Mynors , Oxford 1963 . . 2 מקור ותרגום Pline le Jeune , Lettres , Panigyrique de Trajan , ed . by A .-M . Guillemin - M . Durry , Paris 1959-1964 , 4 vols . C . Plini Caecili Secundi Epistularum Libri Decem / Gaius Plinius Caecilius Secundus Briefe , Lateinisch-deutsch , ed . by Helmut Kasten , Artemis- verlag , Munchen und Zurich ( Sammlung Tusculum ) , 5 . Auflage , 1 984 . Pliny , Letters and Panegyricus , with an English translation by Betty Radice , 2 vols ., Loeb Classical Library , Harvard 1969 ; Reprint 1976 . . 3 תרגום בלבד The Lettersof the Younger Pliny , Translated with an Introduction by Betty Radice , New York 1964 . ( ב ) פירוש A . N . Sherwin-White , The Letters of Pliny , A Historical and Social Commentary , Oxford 1 966 ; Re-issued ( with corrections ) , Oxford 1 985 . ( ג ...
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