Mordecai Ardon Landscapes of Infinity

Jerusalem 1 broaden his horizons . He was educated at the Bauhaus school , and the artwork he produced in Germany included mainly still lifes and figures , but no landscapes . Ardon arrived in Palestine in 1933 . He related that it about a year until he was able to paint , because he 2 " unable to see color - everything looked gray . " His subsequent encounter with the local landscape was a watershed experience . Childhood memories of Bible studies the Holy Land merged with the new landscape . He experienced a sense of complete identification with the Judean hills and their soil - and he was finally able to Physical geographic reality is the moving force behind a part of Mordecai Ardon ' s oeuvre . From this reality artist reaches out , using the landscape as a tool to search and explore , always seeking a hidden meaning beyond the obvious . The exhibition Landscapes of Infinity concentrates on works by Ardon in which the point of departure is a landscape reality and the outcome is a ....  אל הספר
טרמינל, כתב עת לאמנות המאה ה-21