
From Disability to Freedom The book . From Disability to Freedom , recounts the life stories of two women who belong to the professions of psychology and education , and whose field of expertise focuses on people with learning difficulties and attention deficit . They themselves contend with similar difficulties . The book , which presents their memories and experiences throughout the various stages of life - childhood , army , academic studies , employment , marriage , and parenthood - consists of two complementary parts : The first part is a frank , bold dialog that dares to scrutinize unflinchingly the difficulties engendered by a life fraught with learning disabilities and attention deficit , as well as the ways of coping and the abilities that are created as a result of coping . The second part comprises a theoretical analysis of the main topics that arose in the dialog and practical recommendations for coping . The book was written over a period of years - the length of time requ...  אל הספר
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