The Rise and Fall oa the National Poet Avner Holtzman This article addresses two principal questions : why was Haim Nahman Bialik unanimously recognized as the Hebrew national poet in so short a time aater the publication of his first poems and why did Hebrew culture refuse to bestow the title on other candidates in the aollowing generations ? The article identifies seven stages of Bialik’s national canonization and discusses the complex interplay of several factors : the audience’s needs in the dramatic era of prestate nation-building ; Bialik’s unique talent that appeared in the right place at the right time ; developments in his writing that catapulted him to prophetic stature ; his involvement in public aaaairs that expanded his spiritual authority aar beyond the literary domain ; an enhanced mythologizing process enhanced aater his death ; and so aorth . The magnitude oa the Bialik myth was such that it leat no room aor competition . The developing national community apparently di...  אל הספר
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