Jean Baudrillard , The illusionof the End , Cambridge : Polity Press , 1994 . Jean Baudrillard , Simulacra and Simulation , trans . Sheila Faria Glaser , Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press , 1994 . Jean Baudrillard , The Gulf War Did Not Take Place , trans . Paul Patton , University of Sydney : Power Institute , 1995 . Jean Baudrillard , Cool Memories 11 : 1987-1990 , trans , Chris Turner , Cambridge : Polity Press , 1996 . Jean Baudrillard , The Perfect Crime , trans . Chris Turner , Lon- don and New York : Verso , 1996 . Jean Baudrillard , Fragments : Cool Memories III , 1991-95 , trans . Emily Agar , London and New York : Verso , 1998 . Jean Baudrillard , Paroxvsm : Interviews with Philippe Petit , trans . Chris Turner , London and New York : Verso , 1998 . Jean Baudrillard , In the Shadowof the Millennium ( Or the Sus- penseof the Year 2000 ) , trans . Francois Debrix , 1998 ( Internet Publication ) , http : // www . ctheory . com / a 6 1 . html , 26 September 1998 . Jean Bau...
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