אם נעברה עבירה נוספת בתקופת התנאי , יש לבית המשפט שיקול דעת נרחב למדי ך . 4 האפשרויות העומדות בפניו הן : . Kennedy v . Spartt , [ 1971 ] 1 All E . R . 805 ( H . L . ) 46 השווה בישראל , ע"פ , 10 / 54 אל טהה נ . היועץ המשפטי לממשלה , פ"ד ט ; 88 ע"פ , 26 / 55 שקרג'י ב . היועץ המשפטי לממשלה , פ"ד ט . 378 47 סעיף ( 1 ) 23 לחוק : sentence or he subsequently appears or is brought before this Act to deal with him in respect of the suspended by or before a court having power under section 24 of riod of a suspended sentence and either he is so convicted with imprisonment committed during the operational pe- Where an offender is convicted of an offence punishable effect , that court shall consider his case and deal with such a court , then unless the sentence has already taken — ( a ) the court may order that the suspended sentence him by one of the following methods : ; ( c ) it may by order vary the original order under with the substitution of a lesser term for the original term ; ( b ) it may...
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