Permission to reproduce photographs was accorded by the following persons : Traule Lafrenz Trail te Page ( Lafrenz ) , Marie-Luise Jahn — Marie Luise Schultze-Jahn , Kurt Huber — Birgit Weiss-Huber , Wolfgang Huber , Willy Graf — Anneliesc Knoop-Graf , Hans and Sophie Scholl — Elisabeth Hartnagc ! ( Scholl ) . Karl Ludwig Schnider — Nina Schnider , Alexander Schmorell — Erich , Hertha and Markus Schmorell , Christoph Probst — Michael , Vincent and Herla Siebler Probst , Hans Leipelt — Maria Bade ( Leipelt ) and Chris Bade , or errors which , if brought to our notice , will be correct in later editions . We made all efforts to reach all copyright holders . We apologize for any omissions providing us with digital copies of all photographs . We are grateful to the German Resistance Memorial Center , Berlin , for
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