איתמר זינגר , החתים ותרבותם ( ספריית האנציקלופדיה המקראית , כו , ( ירושלים תשס " ט . A . Archi , 'Hittite and Human Literatures : An Overview " , J . Sasson et al . ( eds . ) . Civilizationsof the - , 'Transmission of Recitative Literature by the Hittites ' , Altorienta / ische Forschungen , 34 Ancient Near East , I-IV . New York 1995 , pp . 2367-2377 ( 2007 ) . pp . 185-203 Gilgamesh in Hatti ' , G . Beckman . R . Beal & G . McMahon ( eds . ) . Hittite Studies » 7 G . Beckman . 1 . — , 'Hittite and Hurrian Epic ' , J . M . Foley ( ed . ) , A Companion to Ancient Epic , Oxford 2005 , pp . 37-57 Honor of Harry A . Hoffner Jr . on the Occasionof His 65 ' ' Birthday , Winona Lake 2003 , pp 255-263 W . W . Hallo ( ed . ) . The Contextof Scripture , I . Leiden 1997 , , Hittite Myths Hittite Myths , Epics and Legends ' , J . B . Prichard ( ed . ) , Ancient Near Eastern Texts B . DeVries , The Styleof Hittite Epic and Mythology . Ann Arbor 1967 pp . 149-156 - & H . A . Hoflher Jr .. H...
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