The number of pupils in the 12 th grade who take physics and chemistry has been declining over the past few years , although in biology there has been an increase . In 1981 , of . the 13 , 000 in the .. 12 th grade , about 10 per cent took physics , 7 per cent chemistry and 19 per cent biology . The percentages for physics and chemistry reveal the seriousness of the problem because these two subjects are among the basic areas , together with mathematics , for studies in technology . The table shows a substantial drop in the number of teachers in physics and chemistry and an increase in the number of biology teachers . These changes correspond to the changes in the number of pupils in the respective subjects . High school pupils are greatly influenced in their choice of tracks by perceived opportunities to use in their future careers the knowledge acquired . This may explain the preference for technological subjects ( electronics , computers ) over science tracks . In Japan , Germany an...
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