On Tania Bruguera's Political Imaginary

תוכורעת EXHIBITIONS the most poignant being supported by intricately designed installationsthat threatened , frightened , lectured , educated , and entertained , albeit in a carnivalesque sideshow sort of way . Just inside the entrance to the museum a continually running film showed the artist performing Displacement ( 1998-99 ) . Here , a mud-covered , nail-studded Bruguera , dressed as Nkisi Nkonde an African icon used for spiritual purposes , in Africa as well as Cuba ) , looking like some monster from a horror movie , is seen wandering through a crowded street in Cuba . Leading viewers directly into the main exhibition galleries is Poetic Justice ( 2002-03 ) , a long , pungent smelling , teabag lined tunnel , with small video monitors , which referred to the historical economical and political relationship between the colonized and the master , in this case , India under the blood-sucking rule of the British Empire . The most exciting part of the exhibition was the various gallery ...  אל הספר
טרמינל, כתב עת לאמנות המאה ה-21