of Self Contraction ( Tsimtsum ) Introduction to the Psychology By Mordechai Rotenberg chain of events . " tsimtsum " ( contraction ) psychology emanated from an incidental Similar to many innovative "life projects " , the discovery of the which claimed that labeling people as cureless schizophrenics is revolution also seemed to have nourished the anti psychiatric fad this campus . The anti establishment aura , which imbued this social in the famous anti Vietnam movement which disseminated from at the University of California in Berkeley , he became immersed During the sixties , when Prat . Rotenberg was a doctoral student systems in psychiatry . elitist ideolog ) ' which underlies Western irreversible diagnostic Calvinistic theology of deterministic predestination and not an developed a counter thesis arguing that it is the Protestant- Following Max Weber ' s sociology of religion Rotenberg then primarily a stigmatic act of discrimination . system which he constructed according to the...
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