L . FELDMAN , Scholarship on Philoand Josephus ( 1937-62 ) . ( Studies in Judaica , [ I ] . ) New York : Yeshiva University , 1963 . Pp . vi + 62 . As the editor of the series ( L . D . Stitskin ) states in his introduction , the work has above all the purpose of bridging the gap between the annual bibliographies in Marouzeau ' s L'Anne ' e Philologique , which cover the classical periodicals , but are less complete on theological and Judaistic periodicals , and the bibliographical lists of Biblica which deal well with the theological journals , but are hardly exhaustive in their treatment of the classical ones . A need for a comprehensive listing of work done in recent decades on Philo and Josephus has been urgently felt , because the last systematic bibliography of Philo was published in 1938 ( by Goodhart and Goodenough as an appendix to the latter scholars book The Politicsof Philo Judaeus ) , while the last critical survey of the work done on Josephus ages back to Reuss in Bursian...
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