. 6 מפתח קיצורים DJD Discoveries of the Judean Desert CBQ The Catholic Biblical Quarterly BSOAS Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies BGS Beitrage zur Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft BEK Bulletin des etudes karaites BASOR Bulletin of the American Schoolsof Oriental Research BA Biblical Archaeologist ASTI Annual of the Swedish Theological Institute JAOS Journal of the American Oriental Society JA Journal asiatique IS Islamic Studies IOS Israel Oriental Studies HUCA Hebrew Union College Annual HTR The Harvard Theological Review EJ Encyclopaedia Judaica El The Encyclopaedia of Islam DSD Dead Sea Discoveries Roman Period JSJ Journal for the Study of Judaism in the Persian , Hellenistic and JSAI Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam JR Journal of Religion JQR Jewish Quarterly Review JNES Journal of Near Eastern Studies JJS Journal of Jewish Studies JBL Journal of Biblical Literature PAAJR Proceedings of the American Academy for Jewish Research JSS Journal of Semitic Studi...
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