פרק שבעה־עשר - טיפול מיינדפולנס בחברה הערבית בישראל — אתגרים ואפשרויות

494 ג'יאנא חליפה . Flook, L . , Goldberg, S . B . , Pinger, L . , Bonus, K . & Davidson, R . J Mindfulness for teachers : a pilot study to assess effects on . ) 2013 ( stress, burnout, and teaching efficacy . Mind, Brain & Education, . 195 - 182 , ) 3 ( 7 Galil, A . , Carmel, S . , Lubetzky, H . , Vered, S . & Heiman, N . ( 2001 ) . Compliance with home rehabilitation therapy by parents of children with disabilities in Jews and Bedouin in Israel . Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 43, 261 - 268 . Gilat, I . , Ezer, H . , & Sagee, R . ( 2010 ) . Help - seeking attitudes among Arab and Jewish adolescents in Israel . British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 38 ( 2 ) , 205 - 218 . Gupta, K . ( 2019 ) . The sacred to the secular : using mindfulness and meditation as instructional methods in academia . New Directions for Adult & Continuing Education, 161, 21 - 32 . Hazlett - Stevens, H . ( 2018 ) . Specific somatic symptoms alleviated by mindfulness meditation training . OBM Integr...  אל הספר
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