
Policy Paper 198 | Freedom of Assembly and the Right to Protestiv The right to demonstrate, which is derived from the freedom of political expression, is one of the basic rights in a democracy . It enables citizens to be actively involved on an ongoing basis in the nation’s life and to criticize the government in order secure change or correct flaws in real time . Demonstrating—as an act of opposition to the government—is a manifestation of the fact that the people ( with all their differences ) are the true sovereigns of the state . The right to demonstrate is also essential for minorities and groups that the democratic political establishment, based on majority rule, is liable to silence . In this study, we examine the legal framework of the right to demonstrate in Israel, as set forth in legislation, procedures, and ordinances . As our study shows, the legal provisions regarding the right to demonstrate are archaic and seriously defective : this right is not stipulated in any basic ...  אל הספר
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