79 סבינה ליסיצה ויוחנן פרס • מדד ההשתלבות של עולי חבר העמים בישראל - האם סיפור הצלחה ? Lomsky - Feder E . & Rapoport T . , 2002 ; “Seeking a Place to Rest : Representation of Bounded Movement among Russian - Jewish Homecomers” . Ethos, Berkeley, 30 ( 3 ) , pp . 227 - 249 . Portes A . & Borocz J . , 1989 ; “Contemporary Immigration : Theoretical Perspectives on Its Determinants and Modes of Incorporation”, International Migration Review, 23 ( 4 ) , pp . 606 - 630 . Portes A . & Hao L . , 2002 ; “The Price of Uniformity : Language, Family and Personality Adjustmeny in the Immigrant Second Generation” . Ethnic and Racial Studies, Vol . 25 ( 6 ) , pp . 889 - 912 . Portes A . & Rumbaut R . G . , 2001 ; Legacies : The Story of the Immigrant Second Generation . Berkeley, University of California Press . Portes A . & Zhou M . , 1993 ; “The New Second Generation : Segmented Assimilation and Its Variants among Post - 1965 Immigrant Youth” . Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social ...
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