תקצירים באנגלית

CONTENTS Hi s t o r i o g r a p h y Esther Meir - Glitzenstein Bombs in Baghdad, 1950 - 1951 : Israeli Discourse and History 9 Ec o n o m i c s Arie Krampf The 1985 Emergency Stabilization Plan : A Reexamination 39 Efraim ( Effie ) Milutin The Energy Sector of the Jewish Yishuv in Palestine during the Late British Mandate 68 Id e o l o g y Rhona Burns The Centrality of Class Imagination in Early Jewish Nationalism 95 Hi g h e r Ed u c a t i o n Nadav Heidecker The Birth Pains of the University of Haifa 123 Ho u s i n g Oded Heilbronner The Bourgeois Home in Young Israel from a Global Perspective 161 Avital Margalit and The Preference for Locals in Land Shai Stern Allocations for Housing in Various Settlement Types in Israel 188 So c i e t y a n d Ge n d e r Naama Teitlbaum - Karrie The Experience of Female Prisoners of the and Yael Nahari Underground Movements in Bethlehem Prison, 1939 - 1947 : Gender Aspects 217 Lilach Institutions for Abandoned Children Rosenberg - Friedman in the Je...  אל הספר
מכון בן-גוריון לחקר ישראל והציונות, אוניברסיטת בן-גורין בנגב