
Ibn al - ‘Arabī – On Five Influential Stations 156 notion of the abandonment of this station also derives from the idea that the whole of existence is one and is the reflection of God’s names and attributes Another connection between the author’s mystical philosophy and the Sufi stations occurs in the discussion of God - fearingness taqwā ) This concept is interpreted to mean asking God to ( protect the believer from His names, especially His wrath, which is the opposite of His name mercy One’s asking also accompanies the Sufi in the world to come One asks God to protect one from Hell, which is also named the Fire Fire serves as a remedy in this world, and in the next world too That is, because the fire in the next world eliminates God’s wrath due to its purification of the sinner from grave sins According to the Greatest Master, the cosmos is created and destroyed each moment Consequently, no act or entity remains in a fixed form which does not change This rule also refers to one’s si...  אל הספר
אדרא - בית להוצאת ספרים אקדמיים